I am so excited to be starting this new blog titled Total Quality Life, or "TQL" for short. How do you measure the meaning of a 'quality life'? Is it money, or free time, or a significant loved one, a big family, many possessions (stuff), or is it a fit and toned body, or being in good health? For most of us it is a combination of several of these, and possibly some others as well. Whatever makes you truly happy will be what you hold close when you measure the quality of your own life. This is true for each and every one of us.
However, you could eventually find yourself in a spot where what you have always used to measure the quality of your life suddenly seems to 'fail' you. If you invest all of the morsels of "life" that you used to measure its success into only one bucket (take Money, for example) and you lose your job and your Money is gone; you may suddenly find yourself standing on shaky ground with no stable and firm grasp on those things that can, AND WILL, keep you grounded during the rough times that life inevitably throws at us.
The definition of having a quality life is very different for all of us. But what is very important across all walks of life is having a foundation that is grounded enough to sustain you during the tough patches in the road of life. That is what this blog will primarily focus on. Finding that work / life balance thing that we all hold so dear. Realizing that the old saying about being on your death bed and not wishing you had spent more time working is really true! And most importantly....realizing it NOW! While you still have time to enjoy the quality moments of a life well spent. Whatever that ends up meaning to you. I hope you enjoy this blog as much as I anticipate that I will enjoy contributing to it. Feel free to leave a comment.